The AHSP is an employer-driven program, and therefore all applicants are required to obtain a valid job offer. Applicants to the AHSP must demonstrate that they have a job offer that is: • from a designated employer in one of the four Atlantic provinces; • for full-time employment for at least one year; • non-seasonal; • skilled (i.e. in a managerial, professional, or technical/trades position at skill type 0, A or, B of the National Occupational Classification [NOC]); and • supported by a provincial certificate of endorsement from the province that indicates that the job offer is genuine and that a needs assessment has been completed and a settlement plan is in place for the applicant and each member of the family. • Work experience • Education • Language Ability

Community Eligibility
To be considered eligible to participate in the pilot, the community must:
- have a population of 50,000 people or less and be located at least 75 km from the core of a Census Metropolitan Area OR up to 200,000 people and be considered remote from other larger cities (using Statistics Canada’s index of remoteness)
- be located in Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Ontario, Saskatchewan and Yukon;
- have job opportunities;
- have an economic development plan;
- have a local economic development organization that can manage the pilot for your community;
- have the capacity to settle new immigrants in the community by having or developing:
- relationships with local or regional immigrant-serving organizations;
- opportunities to connect newcomers with established members of the community, such as through mentoring or networking;
- access to key services like education, housing, transportation, and health care